*This is an example page, showing how access to various properties might work. We are working towards finding our first lands to steward. If you know of any landowners who might be interested in hosting The Ecoculture Project on their lands or any charitable individuals that would support our mission, don’t hesitate to reach out and connect us!
Flagship Preserve: We envision this being the land we lease once funded. This would be our main headquarters which we envision to be a larger property of 50 acres or more.
Any permit holder would have access here.
The Blank Family’s Property: We envision working with private landowners who would like their properties turned into biodiverse wild food paradises for free, in exchange for granting our permit holders access to harvest sustainably on their property.
Access here might be limited to a smaller number of individuals based on the capacity of the land (determined by our ecologist) and our agreement with the Blank Family.
Farmer Blank’s Meadow and Woodlot: We envision partnering with farmers to access their unmanaged areas for production of wild food and biodiversity. This type of property might be smaller.
Access here might be limited to a smaller number of individuals based on the capacity of the land (determined by our ecologist), and the agreement with Farmer Blank.
The Blank Institute Campus: We envision partnering with institutions with extra unmanaged land on their campuses, including schools, hospitals, and corporate office campuses.
Access here may be limited based on the capacity of the land and our agreement with the landowner.
Support US
The Ecoculture Project LLC is a start-up business. We are in search of $250,000 in recoverable grants in order to lease our first land. If you feel moved to support our mission, or know someone who might support us, feel free donating or connecting us via email or the contact form.