Support The Mission
Join the Movement
Your support means the world to us. Every contribution goes towards our mission of cultivating biodiversity and generating abundance. No act of caretaking is too small and no contribution goes unnoticed by us.
What are recoverable grants?
Recoverable grants are similar to forgivable loans. These are funds that are granted to social enterprises (i.e., mission oriented businesses with potential for positive impact), which return to the grantor once profitability is achieved. If the business fails to achieve this, then the grant is not recovered by the grantor, but if the business is successful in reaching profitability, then the funds are returned and available to generate more positive impact!
Recoverable Grant Opportunity
The Ecoculture Project LLC is a start-up business. We are in search of $250,000 in recoverable grants in order to lease our first land. If you feel moved to support our mission, or know someone who might support us, feel free donating or connecting us via email or the contact form.
The concept of a recoverable grant makes sense to us. We are determined to achieve profitability as a business, and if you have read this far into the website, then you have a mission to generate abundance and positive change!
If you feel moved to contribute a recoverable grant to our mission, then reach out with the contact form, or by email at
Spread the Word
We’re working to build a sustainable wild food culture in our region and across the country. With your help that is what we’ll do! Consider sharing about this organization with your friends and family who are interested in supporting our mission, or, once we are running, attending a workshop, purchasing a share or permit, and volunteering to steward the land.