Are you a landowner (or farm-owner) who would like your unmanaged land turned into a wild food paradise for free?

If you are a landowner who would like your land to be restored to a biodiverse food paradise for free, in exchange for granting an appropriate number of our vetted permittees the opportunity to harvest sustainably on your land, consider working with The Ecoculture Project LLC.

This can also work with farms and institutional campuses that have woodlots, meadows, or other lands that are difficult to manage economically and could benefit from ecoculture.

Potential Benefits:

  • The opportunity to be surrounded by an abundance of the best food in the world for free and harvest from this abundance.

  • The opportunity to be surrounded by a healthier biodiverse ecosystem.

  • The chance to contribute abundance and nature access to your community.

  • A favorable Farmland or Woodlands Tax Assessment.

  • A deeper connection to the natural world that you call home.

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Let’s work together

*Scroll down to learn what we might discuss in our conversation.

How discussions might proceed

First we will set up an informal chat to ascertain whether or not an arrangement would be mutually fitting. There are several possible options we may consider.

  • In this set up we would manage your land for biodiversity and wild food for free, in exchange for granting access to a predetermined and appropriate number of our vetted permittees for sustainable harvest and volunteer stewardship. We may be open to other arrangements, such as permitting our staff members to harvest for commercial purposes, but these are less of a priority for us.

    This would be an informal arrangement, and thus can be undone at any time, so mutual trust is the foundation here (not a bad thing to have in general though).

  • This land arrangement is similar to the one above, but it would be more formal. We would steward the ecological value and wild food abundance of the property for free, in exchange for granting access to a predetermined number of our vetted permittees to forage sustainably.

    Again we are open to explore other ideas.

  • We are proactively pursuing funding opportunities for the purposes of leasing a pilot flagship preserve for ecoculture.

    We can explore future possibilities as well when we chat.

  • We’ve got many forward thinking ideas for many different kinds of landowners that we would love the opportunity to explore, and no doubt these ideas may come up when we chat.

If we find our interests are aligned, then we would send our ecologist and land manager (these are the same person at the moment) out to the property to further ascertain whether the land suits our purposes, and go to the drawing board to dream up how to turn the land into a wild food paradise!

Finally, if everything is looking good for both parties, then we would proceed in determining the best shape our agreement will take, and begin the journey together.