Mission, Vision, and ToC


The mission of The Ecoculture Project is to catalyze the ancient practice of ecoculture in the modern world by piloting and perfecting the practices of running a successful wild food and ecological restoration business in our contemporary economy, and educating others.


Imagine if the economics switched… Imagine if ecological restoration organizations could gain financial freedom… Imagine if farmers could make money restoring beautiful ecosystems… When the economics shift and everyone sees it, drastic changes can happen. Imagine being surrounded by a wild food paradise that you have the right to harvest from and heal.

The vision of The Ecoculture Project is nothing short of sparking the fastest and largest positive ecological transition in modern history.

Theory of Change

We believe that the ancient practice of ecoculture is the missing keystone in today’s environmental movement. We believe that the greatest cause of the ecological challenges we face, is human disconnect from nature. Wild foods have the power to bring us in intimate connection with and realign our interests with nature! We believe that once viable business models have been pioneered and shown to be prosperous endeavors, then ecoculture can proliferate throughout the country.

It’s worth spending some time absorbing this graphic. Start from the bottom and work your way up, moving from side to side. Notice each level builds off of the ones beneath, meaning no one practice is more important than another, but the full structure won't take form without the keystone!

Conceptual framework for ecoculture, showing how this practice can unify the seemingly distant worlds of conservation and agriculture by increasing our human connection to the natural world and balancing our freedom to engage with the landscape with our responsibility to protect the environment (Wraith, 2024).

Support US

The Ecoculture Project LLC is a start-up business. We are in search of $250,000 in recoverable grants in order to lease our first land. If you feel moved to support our mission, or know someone who might support us, feel free donating or connecting us via email or the contact form.