Creating Viable Ecoculture

Business Models

The spirit of The Ecoculture Project is to create a replicable business model(s), and scale up through a collective movement. We are inspiring by example, blazing a path for other prospective practitioners to follow, or to build on. Whether you have interest in joining us on the journey by starting your own business, or are considering supporting our project, here you will find information about our business plan.

Research Project

The Ecoculture Project business plan was created while founder, Andrew Wraith, was a Masters Student in Environmental Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, being the focus of his Capstone research required for graduation.

In addition to registering an LLC and launching the business, this project resulted in the creation of a book (in progress), on the various aspects of running a successful ecoculture business.

Although it’s unfinished, it details our plan and some very helpful considerations pertaining to finding funding, land, deciding on the best structure and economic engine, and lays out some important conceptual frameworks for ecoculture.

Support US

The Ecoculture Project LLC is a start-up business. We are in search of $250,000 in recoverable grants in order to lease our first land. If you feel moved to support our mission, or know someone who might support us, feel free donating or connecting us via email or the contact form.